
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2019

Biantara Bahasa Sunda

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb Nu dipikahormat Ibu Guru basa Sunda SMAN 2 GARUT, teu hilap rerencangan sadayana nu ku simkuring dipikadeudeuh. Langkung tipayun hayu urang sasarengan manjatkeun puji sinareng syukur ka Gusti nu Maha Suci, nu kacida gede rahmat jeung inayahna pikeun urang sarerea. Teu kaliwat oge urang kucurkeun sholawat sinareng salam ka jungjunan alam, Nabi Muhammad Saw, mugi syafaatna nepi ka urang di yaumil akhir. Aamiin. Sateuacanna simkuring ngahaturkeun nuhun ka sadayana anu parantos hadir di ieu tempat. Anu dina kasempetan ieu simkuring bade ngaguar perkawis "Ngamumule Basa Indung". Hadirin sadayana.. Jaman kiwari, basa indung geus mulai teu dibangga ku nu mibogana. Rumaja ayeuna leuwih ngarasa hade ngagunakeun basa Indonesia jeung basa Inggris. Maranehna ngarasa yen upama urang ngomong basa Sunda teh malah disebut tinggaleun. Padahal mah basa Sunda teh kaabus budaya nu kudu dimumule sangkan teras aya nepi ka iraha oge. Da bangsa nu hade teh nyaeta bangs...

Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris SMA

" HATER BECOMES LOVER " Annisa's seeing someone sit in front of class. Nisa: Hi, are you a new student? Bilqis: yes, I am. Nisa: why do You look so sad? Bilqis: I don't have friends. Nisa: no, I'm your friend. My name is nisa. What's yours? Bilqis: I'm Bilqis. Thank you, nisa. Nisa: don't be sad, I will introduce you to the others. Bilqis: okay, thank you once more, you are so kind. Krisna and Anggit come.. Nisa: kris, git, look who is this! Anggit: who is she? Krisna: I haven't see her before. Nisa: she is Bilqis, our new friend. Anggit: are you sure? Nisa: yaa, what's wrong? Bilqis: hallo, my name is Bilqis. Krisna: I must go to canteen, come on git. Anggit: Come on! Krisna and Anggit leave them and go to the canteen. Bilqis: what's wrong nis? I think they don't like me. Nisa: no, don't worry, they must be hungry. It's okay. Anggit: sorry, are you bilqis? The new student? Bilqis: yes, sir. Anggit: The ...