
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2019


Since long time ago, death penalty had been becoming an alternative way to punish people for committing a felony. Yet, there's a controversion among society because some of them think that death penalty violates human right. Before that, let's clarify what the definition of death penalty is. According to , death penalty is an execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense.  For this, I absolutely agree with the application of the death penalty for certain crimes which are considered severe such as slaughter, premeditated murder, corruption, and for drug dealers. If people say that capital penalty breaks human right, they have to think twice because the perpetrators of crimes have violated many others' human right too. We must put aside pity, for the sake of justice. Death penalty isn't about violating human right, yet giving justice for people whose human rights are violated. the de...

LGBT: Freedom, Humanity, and Religion (by Annisa Rizkyta)

UNEJ Model United Nations 3.0 that held on November, 25-26th, 2019 is successfully done. 27 delegates participate actively in this event. The delegation seemed very enthusiastic in delivering their motions and arguments, it means they fully understand which side they are standing for. Chair and Co-chair appeared stunning with a very powerful debating mastery and always guide the delegation to stay according to the rules set. The theme raised this time is a very sensitive and interesting subject to be debated, that is "Ensure LGBT Rights toward The Effectiveness of Same Sex Marriages Legalization".  The term marriage equality refers to political status, that is, marriage between same-sex couples and couples of different types is recognized equally by law.  Recognition of similar marriages is considered a human rights, civil rights, as well as political, social, and religious issues. In this topic, we can guess that there will be some arguments that must be raised such as hu...


Have you heard, the truth that's received by society isn't the real truth. Yet, it is opinion that's created and successfully makes people believe and accept that it is true. It is called post-truth. Lately, post-truth becomes the most popular word in each year. According to BBC, Oxford dictionary confirms the word 'post-truth' as International Word of The Year in 2016 where at that time, the politics intensity was very high. The using of word 'post-truth' exactly being used for the first time on January, 1992 in an article of "Nation Magazine". The article is written by a writer of serbian-american descent, Steve Tesich. Post-truth can be defined as adjective which is related to condition or situation of the influence of emotional interest and personal faith is higher than objective fact and data in creating public opinion. If the truth is not pure anymore, then who can be trusted? People are starting confuse for taking conclusion of things th...


Pernahkah anda mendengar bahwa kebenaran yang diterima masyarakat bukanlah kebenaran murni, melainkan opini yang diciptakan dan berhasil membuat orang lain percaya dan menerima bahwa itu adalah benar. Itulah yang dinamakan post truth . Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, post truth menjadi kata yang sangat populer tiap tahunnya. Bahkan menurut BBC , kamus Oxford menetapkan kata  post-truth  sebagai  international word of the year  pada tahun 2016 dimana selama tahun tersebut intesitas politik yang terjadi tinggi.  Penggunaan istilah  Post-Truth  sebenarnya digunakan pertama kali pada bulan Januari tahun 1992 dalam sebuah artikel pada Nation Magazine. Artikel tersebut ditulis oleh seorang penulis keturunan Serbia-Amerika, Steve Tesich. Post-truth  dapat didefinisikan sebagai kata sifat yang berkaitan dengan kondisi atau situasi dimana pengaruh ketertarikan emosional dan kepercayaan pribadi lebih tinggi dibandingkan fakta dan data yang objektif dalam...


Nur Rama Adamas, lahir di Garut, 4 April 2002, adalah buah hati dari pasangan Ujang Sahmid dan Cucu Sukaesih. Dia kini bersekolah di SMAN 2 Garut. Di sana, siapa yang tak mengenalnya. Ia adalah salah satu penyumbang prestasi terbanyak untuk sekolahnya. Lelaki berkacamata ini pernah menempuh pendidikan taman kanak-kanak di RA Nur Amaliah, kemudian ia melanjutkan sekolahnya di SDN Neglasari 1, di sanalah ia mulai menuai prestasi, antara lain ia pernah menjadi juara 1 lomba kaligrafi tingkat kecamatan antar SD sederajat, juara 3 calistung tingkat kecamatan, dan juara harapan 3 baca puisi tingkat kecamatan. Lalu ia meneruskan sekolahnya di SMPN 2 Kadungora, peraih juara umum ini berhasil menyabet beberapa penghargaan seperti juara harapan 3 Olimpiade IPA tingkat kabupaten dan juara harapan 1 lomba story telling tingkat kabupaten. Rama dikenal memiliki keahlian yang mumpuni diberbagai bidang, mulai dari sastra hingga sains, hingga orang menyebutnya 'ensiklopedia berjalan'. Ia sangat...