LGBT: Freedom, Humanity, and Religion (by Annisa Rizkyta)

UNEJ Model United Nations 3.0 that held on November, 25-26th, 2019 is successfully done. 27 delegates participate actively in this event. The delegation seemed very enthusiastic in delivering their motions and arguments, it means they fully understand which side they are standing for. Chair and Co-chair appeared stunning with a very powerful debating mastery and always guide the delegation to stay according to the rules set.

The theme raised this time is a very sensitive and interesting subject to be debated, that is "Ensure LGBT Rights toward The Effectiveness of Same Sex Marriages Legalization".  The term marriage equality refers to political status, that is, marriage between same-sex couples and couples of different types is recognized equally by law.  Recognition of similar marriages is considered a human rights, civil rights, as well as political, social, and religious issues. In this topic, we can guess that there will be some arguments that must be raised such as human right, physical and mental illness, syariah law, and freedom from discrimination. Yet, delegations speak bravely, think clearly, and behave well.

At least 2/3 of the delegations standing for the pros side of lgbt right. Here are the top 5 reasons that strengthen their posisition:
Pros side says that LGBT right should be important because people equality based on human right declaration; right to build family; there have been many countries legalized same-sex marriages by legal law; remaining love without seeing sexual orientation, and freedom from discrimination.
Whereas the Cons side stay with their belief that legalization of LGBT right will affect on mental health; it also banned by syariah law; broke religion rules; because of same-sex marriages, human will face a massive extinction; and health issues will increase (example, in Nigeria the number of people with HIV 3,2 M).

Commonly, Opposition to same-sex marriage is based on the belief that homosexuality is not natural and abnormal, so the recognition of similar unity will encourage homosexuality in society, and children are better raised by couples of different types.  This claim is opposed by science which shows that homosexuality is natural and normal human sexuality, sexual orientation cannot be chosen or influenced, and the lives of children of the same sex are as good or even better than those of children of different partners.

In the aspect of religion, in some countries, religion plays an important role in the discussion of same-sex marriage.  The religious view of same marriage is closely related to the religious view of homosexuality.  Muslim countries oppose it because it violates Sharia law, and the two major branches of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, oppose same-sex marriage and see homosexual behavior as sinful.  And again, this reality is opposed by the statement that religion must be set aside on this issue, because we are born as humans.

As closing, the majority of us have agreed with draft resolution 1.1 which contains Jember Protocol. Jember Protocol is universal yet decentralized-system regime for member states in favour of the protocol that possesses suggesting-typed framework towards how member states should address, solve, and eradicate the case of discrimination towards LGBT as the ultimate goal. Surrender the definition of LGBT and same-sex marriage to each respective country’s favor. Suggest that the protocol will have regular reports and evaluation for the sake of information and progress-follow up, along with regular meeting every 5 years to enhance the Jember Protocol fullfillments.


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